PhD, Tenured Research Scientist at the Lyon Neuroscience Research Center is a tenured scientist (Chargé de Recherche) at the Lyon Neuroscience Research Center (CNRL), INSERM, France. He did his PhD in cognitive sciences in Paris, France with Francisco Varela and his postdoctoral work with Richard Davidson, at the University of Madison-Wisconsin. After working for ten years in the US as a scientist, he joined the CNRL in January 2013. His main research interest is in the neuroscience of mindfulness and compassion meditations and their impact on consciousness, attention and emotion regulations, and pain perception.
His most recent research in Madison includes a project funded by NIH-NCCAM to investigate the cognitive and neuronal mechanisms of actions of a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) intervention, and its impact on attention, pain perception and fear conditioning. Dr. Lutz has been awarded in December 2013 an ERC consolidator grant to extend his research program on mindfulness meditation in Lyon, France.